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CY24 OPPS Final Rule (CMS-1786-FC) Updates

Cleverley CY24 OPPS Final Rule – Updates to Hospital Price Transparency Requirements – Summary of Key Updates The CY24 OPPS Final Rule contains additional requirements for hospital Price Transparency. We cover the changes here as well as requirements previously established by the rule.


A Response To The CY24 OPPS Proposed Rule (CMS-1786-P)

The CY24 OPPS Proposed Rule contains additional information and requirements regarding hospital price transparency. Here we provide a summary of all the elements contained in the CY24 OPPS Proposed Rule as it relates to hospital pricing transparency and include our proposed comments to CMS to assist others as they consider comments for their organizations.


Hospital Finance Research White Papers

Our response to the CY22 Proposed rule. The CY22 OPPS Proposed Rule contains additional information and requirements regarding hospital price transparency. The proposed changes relate to current requirements found in CY 2020 OPPS Final Rule on Transparency (CMS-1717-F2).


How To Use Contract Testing And Analysis To Prepare For Payment Changes

Why Removing Percent-of-Charge Provisions in Managed Care Contracts Won’t Address Concerns About High Hospital Charges

A Response To The CY20 OPPS Proposed Rule (CMS-1717-P) For Increased Price & Payment Disclosures

The CY20 OPPS Proposed Rule contains additional information and requirements regarding hospital price transparency.

How Hospitals Can Create Cost Advantage Where Product Differentiation

National Hospital Survey Shares Insight into CMS’s Price Transparency Requirement

The FY19 IPPS Final Rule contains requirements for hospitals to make public a list of their standard charges via the internet. Learn what that means for your hospital.

A response to the FY19 IPPS Proposed Rule (CMS-1694-P) for Requirements for Hospitals to Make Public a List of Their Standard Charges via the Internet

Best Strategies For Cutting Outpatient Prices

11 Metrics Reveal the Best Strategies For Cutting Outpatient Prices

Health systems must decide which hospitals should be targeted and how quickly price reductions can be implemented.

Mystery Markups: Medical Supply and Drug Pricing Policies Vary Across Hospitals

In general, medical supplies and pharmaceuticals represent 20 percent of gross charges. Even the slightest change in markup policies could have enormous financial impact.

Mystery Markups: Medical Supply and Drug Pricing Policies Vary Across Hospitals

Closing the Price Gap for Commodity Services

The competitive pricing ordered by freestanding clinics has many hospitals looking to lower their own prices.

Closing the Price Gap for Commodity Services

Essential Elements of Charge Protection Language

Health plan contracts include charge limit provisions to ensure chargemaster increases above a predetermined amount will not lead to higher payments than were negotiated.

Essential Elements of Charge Protection Language

Identifying the Gap Between Hospital and Free-Standing Prices

Commodity services such as imaging and lab work are often considered for reduced pricing.

Identifying the Gap Between Hospital and Free-Standing Prices

In Light of Transparency, How Are Hospitals Changing Their Prices?

Analysis reveals that hospital prices are spreading further from the average.

In Light of Transparency, How Are Hospitals Changing Their Prices?

Analyzing Medicare Margins

Data reveal hospital characteristics that affect margins.

Analyzing Medicare Margins

Pricing Commodity Outpatient Procedures: Assessing the Impact

Hospital executives are facing unrelenting pressure to reduce prices and payments for outpatient services, which have begun to be viewed as commodities. Here are ve components of a thoughtful strategy.

Pricing Commodity Outpatient Procedures: Assessing the Impact

The ‘Lesser of’ Conundrum: Solving the Puzzle Through Payment Terms and the Chargemaster

Evaluating the nancial impact of ‘lesser of’ provisions requires a thorough review of contract language and how that language is applied.

The ‘Lesser of’ Conundrum

Pricing Commodity Outpatient Procedures: Assessing the Impact

Hospital executives are facing unrelenting pressure to reduce prices and payments for outpatient services, which have begun to be viewed as commodities. Here are ve steps to a thoughtful analysis.

Pricing Commodity Outpatient Procedures

Insights into Hospital Retail Pricing Strategies

An analysis of the retail pricing strategies of 156 hospitals and health systems points to the need for a thoughtful approach to balancing prices, costs,
and operating margins.

Insights into Hospital Retail Pricing Strategies

Bundled Payments and Big Data

Big data can help healthcare providers determine what factors drive total episodic cost and whether those cost drivers can be controlled.

Bundled Payments and Big Data

How Hospitals Approach Price Transparency

The issue of price transparency has become more prevalent in health care recently, but hospitals may have different views of the concept depending

on their relative charge levels.

How Hospitals Approach Price Transparency

Time to Replace Adjusted Discharges

A new metric for measuring total hospital volume correlates significantly better with cost than do adjusted discharges—without the same inherent flaws.

Time to Replace Adjusted Discharges